Thursday 4 June 2009

Is all this ‘recession talk’ making things worse?

All you here about on the news at the moment is recession recession recession. House market has slumped, banks are on their knees, the motor industry has died. Constant doom and gloom.

I like to keep up to date on current affairs to a point, but does all this talk inhibit our thinking and make things worse for us on a day to day basis?

I’m a firm believer in positive thinking... shoot for the stars and you’ll hit the moon.

And I firmly believe that anything is possible when you put your mind to it, so how about we all stop concentrating on THE RECESSION, and concentrate on THE RECOVERY and how we are going to make things better instead.

I’ve banned the word ‘recession’ and ‘credit crunch’ in our house, and we either refer to is as ‘the current status’, or we say ‘the recovery’. Simply doing that just makes our worlds feel that little bit lighter each day, and allows us to look forward to being better, stronger, living life to the full and achieving our dreams, rather than just sitting there mulling the fact that “this is the worst it’s been since the war” blah blah blah blah blah.

It may seem like a tiny change, but next time you find yourself saying ‘that word’, stop for a moment and just see what it is doing to you, how you feel inside, what your internal voices are saying to you with respect to your ‘wish list’. I bet phrases like ‘I can’t possibly do that at the moment because....” and “not in the current climate...” are popping out all over the place.

On the flip side, what happens if you start to replace those with positive phrases.... “Well, if i just did this... then”, and “my first step would be... “, “I can do that if I do....” It’s amazing how many ways round a problem spring to mind when you start to lift the limitations on your thinking.

If you speak to a lot of businesses for example, you will hear that some of them are having the best year of their careers... why is that do you think? Luck??! Or just that they believe in themselves and what they can achieve, and have made their own dreams come true.

So, recession smession. It’s time to turn down the ten o’clock news for a while, and start carving out your own future. In the words of Sara Henderson “Don’t wait for a light to appear at the end of the tunnel, stride down there and light the bloody thing yourself!”

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